Smilla Bakteman Hedlund Story
Who am I?
Published : 11/3/25
Hey, how exciting that you are interested in studying on Oahu!
Let me introduce myself, my name is Smilla Bakteman Hedlund and I’m a 22-year-old girl who comes from Sweden. I’m currently completing my bachelor’s degree in communication studies and practices at Hawaii Pacific University. But let’s start from the beginning:
During my years at Tingvallagymnasiet (high school), I always knew that I wanted to do my Bachelor’s in Hawaii since I lived in Kailua for two years when I was young. But this was something that I perceived as impossible due to it being quite expensive.
Therefore, I contemplated other things I wanted to do after I graduated and was determined to go to Australia to work. However, due to the pandemic that dream closely faded away. But, one day after meeting my long-term boyfriend, we talked about how tired we were of being stuck in our small town, and that is when he said:
“Let’s do something, let’s go to college.”

My story
The thing that started out as a joke turned into reality six months thereafter, and we applied to Santa Monica College in November of 2021 and got admitted shortly thereafter. In the Spring of 2022, I started the visa process and searched for roommates and different apartments, but I soon realized how hard it was to find an apartment due to all the scams.
Life in Santa Monica
On the 25th of August 2022, I arrived at LAX. But I realized that Santa Monica would be very different from what I expected it to be like. At the time, I had a hard time being confident in my second language – but I realized that this is something that everyone struggles with in the first months.
The first year turned out funnier than I expected – including parties, going to the beach, doing homework, and getting to know the American culture. A culture that I thought I already knew from social media. But I realized that it was different from what I expected, in a good way.
At the time, I took many types of courses such as American Jazz History, Marine Biology, Mass Media, and English. At first, I did not know what degree I wanted to pursue, but after a while, it was clear that I was a com major.
I loved being there, but since Santa Monica College is a Community College, they did not offer a full bachelor’s degree. Therefore I looked around for transfer opportunities which led to the decision of contacting Hawaii Pacific University. A couple of weeks later, that old dream of mine slowly turned into reality.

Life in Hawaii
Time goes by fast and my last two years in Hawaii have been incredible. The things I have appreciated the most would be the weather, diverse communities, and the Aloha spirit.
My favorite beach is Kailua Beach, an incredible beach – located on the east side of the island. It is also very fun to rent a car and drive around on the island and do hikes. The Pink Pillbox hike and the Three Peaks trail are my favorites. (moderately challenging routes but the view is totally worth it).
Even if I would like to live on the east side due to the compact nature, I have lived in Waikiki for my whole stay. From my experience, this turned out to be a good decision since it is close to everything such as the beach, bars, stores, etc. Many international students also live in this area which is great, making it easier to connect with people from back home.
If I could give you one recommendation, that would be to save up more money than you think you need. To be able to experience the whole island and not get too stuck in Honolulu.
But also make sure that you make the most of each day. Because time goes by too fast which is something that all exchange students agree on each semester. This is something I agree with since I feel like I have only been here for a year. I guess time goes by too fast when you are having fun.
Is studying here worth it?
But let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Many friends in Sweden always ask me if I think the amount of money I have spent on studying here really is worth it. However, I am determined that I will do everything all over again due to how much I have grown. Even if I also had many assumptions about the American educational system, it has inspired me more than the system back in Sweden. But also given me a global perspective on my mindset of being a communication major, and being surrounded by a diverse set of classmates and teachers.

Island Hopping
Every Hawaiian island is different, so make sure to take the time and experience those. differences.

Haunama bay
One of the best snorkeling spots on Oahu, just make sure to follow the guidelines to make it remain that way.

Kalapawai Market
A local and family-owned business that has a few cute cafes located around Oahu.
The best
// Smilla Bakteman Hedlund
(Reach out to me on Instagram @smillabacktemanh if you want to ask me any questions.

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